
“Pan size” or portion size 250 g to 450 g unpigmented rainbow trout were the original retail product of the trout culture industry. This lean, healthy, versatile, and delicious product has never gone out of fashion, and it continuous to be the most popular trout production in numbers of units as well as tonnes of production. Average size, production cycle and seasonal availability has however changed somewhat since the early days of the industry. The preferred market size for filleting, smoking and whole gutted fish alike, seem to be the larger sizes, closer to 450 g. This size is reached in only 7 – 14 months from first feeding (pending the temperature profile of the farm), with a steady year-round supply of the market, thanks to careful production planning, infrastructure investments and year-round availability of eggs.

AquaSearch FRESH is adapted specifically to the above-mentioned requirements, with focus on growth rate and “time to market”, recognizing also the huge variations in environmental and husbandry conditions between trout farms and trout producing countries world-wide and adjacent specific trait requirements.

Genetic background and breeding

AquaSearch FRESH originates from various AquaSearch breeding lines, all with focus on improved growth rate and survival during the early life stage of the trout. To secure year-round availability, several breeding lines at different brood stock farms are included, and some seasonal variations in genetics should be anticipated.

In addition to extensive family breeding programmes, breeding of AquaSearch FRESH, is supported by the use of genetic markers including up to 10 different markers related to improved Rainbow Trout Fry Syndrome (RTFS) resistance. Furthermore, additional use of markers is offered as optional male contribution in commercial batches.

General breeding traits

  • Improved growth rate
  • Improved RTFS resistance (supported by use of up to 10 genetic markers)

Optional breeding traits

  • Additional improved RTFS resistance (marker assisted selection)
  • Improved white spot disease resistance (marker assisted selection)

General characteristics

AquaSearch breeding lines are all rounded by more than 40 years of domestication and selection for growth. When this is combined with modern “state of the art” breeding techniques, the characteristics of AquaSearch FRESH can be summarized as follow:

  • Specific disease-free origin
  • High hatchability (> 95% guarantied*)
  • *Pending recognized hatching conditions
  • Guarantied all female material
  • General stress and disease tolerance.
  • High growth rate
  • Low feed conversion rate
  • Elongated body shape.
  • Potential high feeding rate