Any adverse transport observation should be recorded, including delays, extensive damage to the outer packaging and high storage- or transport temperatures.
When opening the boxes remaining ice and the appearance of the eggs should be photo documented, and the temperature of the eggs measured. 0,5 – 2,0℃ should be expected, but egg temperature can reach up to 8,0℃ or higher. Independent what temperatures are recorded, eggs should be handled and transferred to hatching devises correctly, and viability evaluated after.
Eggs have been disinfected with iodide prior packaging and dispatch, but may be disinfected again at arrival, if required or desired. Disinfection can be performed directly in the transport boxes or in dedicated containers, provided temperature adjusted disinfectant solution is used. Temperature adjusted meaning the temperature of the eggs +/- 2℃. Please see separate manual for detailed description of suggested disinfection routine.
In any case, before eggs can be transferred to the hatching devises. Either the hatchery water must be adjusted, adjusted to the temperature of the eggs +/- 2℃ (the preferred and easier method), or the eggs has to be adjusted to the temperature of the hatchery water (the more complicated, risky and labor-intensive method). Adjusting eggs to the temperature of the hatchery water should only be performed by the “trickling method”. Submerging eggs in still water adjusting their temperature gradually over the cause of several hours may deplete oxygen from the water and suffocate the eggs. Please see instructional video for detailed description of suggested acclimatization routine. LINK